Purple Stories Blog
Recept za detox od teških metala
(to je taj smoothie za koji me najčešće pitate na instagramu! :P)
Zašto proces rijetko volimo, a još rjeđe slavimo?
Nitko ne voli proces, a on je rudnik zlata!
Najiskrenije pismo koje sam napisala
Kao i svi razlozi zašto mislim da trebate doći na sljedeći Probuđena Weekend Retreat, 19.-21.9.
Koji prostor održavaš?
Jer znamo, naše postojanje nije samo fizička razina, već i ona mentalna, duhovna i emocionalna.
This Too Shall Pass.
Story about the “Bipolar king” and few inputs on navigating life's ups and downs
The Only Source of Pressure is Us.
I might be among the few who actually prefer winter over summer, enjoying all the activities it offers, especially skiing.
Or, at least, I thought it was "especially skiing" until this week when I experienced it completely differently for the first time.
Why Retreat?
Your nervous system works for your benefit. It sends you signals to slow down when needed. The question is, do you listen?
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, What Took You So Long?
I encourage you to think about it - what or who are your mirrors? Who is reflecting back to you and what are they reflecting? What is safe space for you? Trust me, it leads you to seeing your true self.
Student Of What Now?
"We live and we learn.” As much as I loved going to school, I also remember being terrified by that sentence, thinking there's no way I'd have to face exams, grades, and evaluations for the rest of my life?!?! Give me a break!!