Dance Fever Alignment
Florence and The Machine concert, Madison Square Garden, New York City
Celebrating "Dance Fever"
Hello my dear friends!
This week, it’s been A YEAR since my favourite music band of all times released their fifth album called “Dance Fever”. To celebrate them and to celebrate the album, this blog is my heartfelt tribute to them and how their music has influenced me.
Most of my friends know one thing for sure about me - I AM OBSESSED WITH FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE!!!
I remember when I first saw Florence singing, it was her single "Dog Days are over", from 2009. The song was all lively and energetic, and at that time I did not know who this singer was and what she was about. But there was an undeniable magnetism about her. I just fell in love with the power that women possessed. I saw her shining & flying in her authenticity, and I could not not love the way she owned all of her “craziness”.
Resonance & the Imapact
As I delved deeper into their music, I discovered that sometimes I couldn’t fully grasp the exact meaning of the lyrics, yet they always resonated with me profoundly. Every note they played went straight to the core of my being, giving me goosebumps no matter how many times I played the same song over and over again. That alone was enough to get me hooked completely!
To explain why they were so important to me last year, I need to provide some of the context on my personal journey recently.
Over the past seven years, I have been on my own journey of getting to know my self better, doing yoga, meditating, going on a variety of spiritual workshops, coaching, exploring and enjoying so many different techniques that I still, to this day, practice & use!
The intensity of it got very much accelerated during Covid-Era in 2020, luckily for me, in the most beautiful sense ever possible. That year felt like I've got in the most profound connection with myself so far, getting such clear sights & insights, memories and truths being revealed to me. And those new feelings, new observations, new perspectives extended and continued to unfold throughout 2021 and 2022.
It was in 2022 that things started to get “serious” and a shift occurred within me. The old version of Maria started calling on the real Maria - the one who refused to hide any longer, shrink herself to fit others’ expectations or fit the roles in order to be accepted. I had an overwhelming desire to express myself authentically, even though I had no idea what it all meant! I just felt those sensations not knowing how to name them or what to do with them. They washed over me, urging me to listen and act!
An then, synchronicity struck, or at least it very much felt that way! It was this time last year that Florence officially launched her new album called Dance Fever!!
Florence's Album Launch - Anthems for Women
Singles called: King, Free, Choreomania (Something’s coming), Heaven is here, Girls against God, Dream girl evil, Morning Elvis, spoke directly to my soul yet again!!
In my mind, these songs were anthems about women’s positions and desires, capturing emotions of anxiety, anger, hope, happiness, love, reflecting rebellion against authority, the need for self expression at all costs and the exploration of mental health.
They were singing, expressing, supporting whole scale of emotions I was going through, making me aware of them! They just hit me with the wings to feel them even more, and finally, to embrace them and own them.
I felt as if each and every song was written for me, to me, and I could not not hear them, even if I wanted to.
This album played a big role in me taking a break from my day-to-day life at that time and leaving what was familiar to me. Finally, it had fair amount of influence on my decision to quit my job, even though I did not have any plans for my near future.
I was in NYC in September the same time when the band was on the Dance Fever tour there! Oh did I go, and did I have the time of my life, celebrating me for hearing the messages wrapped up in music and for taking that leap of faith.
Memories that impacted my life’s choices
So this week, a year after, going back to the album, I just love love love all the memories of that last year, song by song, because each one of them in a way supported me to be where I am today.
Sometimes something such as music or art uplifts us, inspire us and moves us to do something completely new, and maybe even crazy. They help us align.
I am not trying to encourage you to the the same if you are not ready for that kind of experience, but I do wonder if you ever had a similar experience. Did an artist, music, or some kind of event help you align? And did you follow the impulses that came from it? If yes, please share with me, I am super excited to know more examples of it!
Until our next chat..
I wish you amazing Dance Fever and most most beautiful,
Purple Aura!